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Silicon wafers are out of stock! Samsung, SK Hynix, and Micron Raise 20% of the Price!

author:release time:2022-08-10pageviews:
The global silicon wafer shortage is serious, which has become a bottleneck for the growth of semiconductor factories. It may become a national war in the future. Semiconductor manufacturers revealed that Sumco, a Japanese silicon wafer manufacturer, has decided to cut the silicon wafer of Wuhan Xinxin, a NOR Flash factory in mainland China. Wafer orders are given priority to major manufacturers such as TSMC, Intel, and Micron, which not only aggravates the shortage of NOR Flash, but also the supply of Japanese suppliers is obviously biased towards Taiwan, the United States, and Japanese factories, which may make mainland semiconductors difficult. Development has fallen into the dilemma of insufficient silicon wafers.
Silicon wafers have become a key material for the semiconductor industry. In the past 10 years, the production capacity of silicon wafers has been in a state of oversupply. Now silicon wafers are facing shortages, and the shortage has affected the production line operation of semiconductor factories, especially 12-inch silicon wafers. Circle, including foundry, DRAM, NAND Flash and NOR Flash factories, etc.

World Advanced said that its operation in 2017 may not be able to grow as scheduled, partly due to the shortage of silicon wafers, and it is expected to be in short supply until the end of the year; Winbond revealed that in the past, due to good credit for payment and pickup, this wave will sign a long-term guarantee contract; Macronix pointed out that silicon wafers are in short supply and cannot be relieved in the short term. The company's policy is to buy sufficient quantities no matter how much the price increases.

Shin-Etsu recently proposed to sign 3-year long-term contracts with major semiconductor manufacturers such as TSMC, UMC, Intel, and GlobalFoundries. However, these major manufacturers are still actively seeking sources of other silicon wafer suppliers to ensure future expansion. It is worth noting that, recently, it was reported that Japan's Sumco took the lead in cutting off the supply of silicon wafers from Wuhan Xinxin, a mainland semiconductor factory. Wuhan Xinxin had to increase the price to find sources of supply from other suppliers.

Wuhan Xinxin mainly produces NOR Flash, and the technology source is Feiso Semiconductor. Currently, the monthly production capacity is not much, but Sumco has to cut down even such a small amount of production capacity. The industry believes that the NOR Flash product line must be sacrificed due to the lack of silicon wafers. , coupled with the uncertain prospects of mainland semiconductors, suppliers chose to bet on Taiwan, the United States, and Japanese semiconductor manufacturers to become the priority supply list.

Including DRAM, NAND Flash and NOR Flash, all of them are currently in a state of tight supply. Among them, the additional demand for NOR Flash in the terminal is increasing, but the supply is difficult to grow significantly, and the shortage may continue to next year. Macronix has raised related As for the product quotation, Winbond adjusts the customer mix so that the shipping price can be increased. According to data from research institute TrendForce, the above two together accounted for more than 40% of the global NOR Flash market last year.

Supply chain manufacturers revealed that in the face of this wave of silicon wafer shortages, Japan's two largest silicon wafer fabs, Sumco and Shin-Etsu, may give priority to semiconductor companies such as Toshiba, Intel, Micron, GlobalFoundries, TSMC, and UMC. The factory especially supports DRAM and 3D NAND suppliers. Because of the soaring memory prices, the single-chip output value of 3D NAND is as high as 5000~6000 US dollars, which is definitely beyond the reach of NOR Flash, which also makes mainland manufacturers suffer the most.

As the mainstream 64-layer and 72-layer 3D NAND production capacity will be released in large quantities in the third quarter, the war between Samsung, Micron, SK Hynix, and Toshiba is heating up, and silicon wafers must not be in short supply. 3D NAND suppliers will Regardless of any cost, and more able to pay the highest price to get enough supply.

Manufacturers expect that DRAM and 3D NAND semiconductor factories will purchase polished wafers in the third quarter, and the price increase may exceed 20%, while the price of epitaxial silicon wafers used in logic processes will increase by about 15~20%. This wave of shortages It may be more serious than expected. In the near future, not only long-term contracts have been signed, but manufacturers have also signed short-term contracts for six months to one year.

In the blueprint for the construction of semiconductors in the mainland, the importance of silicon wafers has long been realized, and Zhang Rujing, the founder of SMIC, was hired to helm Xinsheng, a silicon wafer fab in mainland China. The rate still needs to be strengthened, and it cannot be used for high-end logic processes such as 16/14/10/7 nanometers and advanced 3D NAND processes.